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Dragon Ball Super Card Game Zenkai Series EX Set 05 B22 Box da 24 Buste (ENG)

Dragon Ball Super Card Game Zenkai Series EX Set 05 B22 Box da 24 Buste (ENG)

Regular price €128,68 EUR
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The debut of a new type of Z-Card. the “Z-Extra”!A new card type has been added to the Z-Cards in the Zenkai series! They’re called “Z-Extras”!They feature new horizontal designs based on techniques and scenes never before seen in DBSCG!Multitudes of effects can be activated on just a single card. giving your games dramatic battles.Cards themed around ultimate techniques seen through the ages are here! The lineup covers a wide range from:Father-son Kamehameha and Gogeta's Soul Punisher to the impactful Special Beam Cannon seen in the most recent "SUPER HERO". The debut of all-new GDR design!Low pull-rate “God Rare” cards are included! These always send shockwaves through our user base! The designs have evolved from the previous gold reflective cards! You have to see the new GDR cards for yourself!The popular box toppers continue for Z05!1 SR or SPR is guaranteed to be included in each box!Rarity:Common x60 (normal-holo ver.)Uncommon x30 (normal-holo ver.)Rare x29 (normal-holo ver.)Super Rare x18Special Rare x14Secret Rare x3God Rare ×1*274 types totalOgni Box contiene 24 pacchettiOgni pacchetto contiene 12 carte in lingua inglese
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